New Calabrio WFM (formerly Teleopti) What’s new in July 2022

Jo takes us through 4 new features, all in the Web Schedules screen, that will put more wind power behind your sails and they are not run of the mill!

Jo takes us through 4 new features, all in the Web Schedules screen, that will put more wind power behind your sails and they are not run of the mill!

Adding Multiple Days Off

You can now add Days Off to multiple people and to multiple days in one quick process. Simply select the people, in the actions drop down select Add Day Off, the From and To dates default to the day you are viewing but you can amend these to a date range, then Save.

Remove Multiple Days Off

Select the people already with the day off, then select Remove Day Off from the action drop down list, then Save

Remove Multiple Shifts

This can now also be done for multiple people, just pick those you want, then pick Remove Shift from the action drop down, then Save

Autocomplete when adding Part Day Absence

Click on a shift then select Add Part Day Absence from the action drop down, you’ll notice that the start and end times will automatically change to the start and end time of the shift. This is handy because more often than not, you’re actually putting the absence from the beginning of the shift to the middle or from the middle to the end of the shift, so it’s automatically filling in one of those fields for you.

For example a full timer on say 9-5 just wants the morning off, you just change the To time to their lunch time, then Save.

What’s the big idea?

Scheduling with New Calabrio WFM just gets easier each month, nearly every month items are added to this screen and many of these features come from us as a user community from the ideas board so make sure you are active on there!

Where else can I find information?

This blog is about the main new features I’ve picked out to tell you this month, make sure you check out the release notes for full details of absolutely everything that’s been added to your version. This can be found by clicking the red light bulb at the bottom right of all Web screens.
The Help center is always available for you, just click the question mark on any Web screen near the top. This is a really good source of information and I use it nearly every day!

Take care for now and see next month.

Picture of Jo Kirman

Jo Kirman


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