We understand what Contact Centre success looks like and our attention to the things that matter makes us stand out from the rest

Our People

Our Locations


Use Cases

We Are a Company That Builds Contact Centre Success

For over 30 years we have helped and guided Contact Centres across the world


Proactive innovation allows us to be a strong and reliable partner for our customers worldwide


Our team of Contact Centre experts deliver leading training and courses tailored for your needs

Expert Consultancy

Tap into our team of highly qualified consultants with knowledge and experience

Leading Technology

We are technology experts with our own IP as well as other leading technologies in the market

Thought Leadership

QPC offers guidance and insight to the Contact Centre industry for over 30 years

Success Management

Pinpointing problems and opportunities and providing contextual insights and support

About QPC

We Go Beyond Technology

Our Purpose

Our vision is for a world of effortless customer experiences and to achieve that we not only use the best technology but we fashion solutions that work for you

Our Approach

Every Contact Centre is unique with its own challenges and objectives. We take a holistic look at where you are and help you to become the best you can be

We Have The Winning Formula

From Small To The World’s Largest Contact Centres

Whatever your size and experience we open up your potential 

Your Contact Centre Partner

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We are your go-to hub for everything Contact Centre related and our team of specialist are always on hand to make sure you’re winning

Listen Everywhere. See Everything..

ROI in year 1
0 %
AHT Reduction
0 %

Intelligent Customer Experience Management

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Take the next step in making your Contact Centre even better