What’s new in New Calabrio WFM (formerly Teleopti) March 2022

Latest New Calabrio WFM features in March 2022. Find out how your scheduling processes can be made more effective with these 9 new features!

What’s new in New Calabrio WFM (formerly Teleopti) ?

Watch this short video or keep reading if you prefer to find out how your Scheduling processes can be made more effective with these 9 new features!

Web Schedules – 5 new tools to make scheduling easier!

  1. Save Favourite Searches – once you have searched for your favourite teams or skills etc., then simply click on the Save button and give it a name, then every time you come into this screen you can quickly and easily bring up your favourite group of agents.
  2. Week View – you will see a new Day/Week toggle at the top middle of your screen, click on Week to view a compact and functional summary of your schedules including names of the shifts, start and end times, and the names and colours of the shift categories.
  3. Filter by Activity – use this new drop down menu on the top right to filter your view with certain activities. For example let’s imagine I’m a team leader and I just want to look at the schedules of my agents who I’m doing one to ones with today, I can filter the One to one activity. Another example is where you are short staffed for a part of the day, if you filter by agents who have a moveable activity e.g. back office, then you can do some manual optimizing, this view makes it quick and easy to move the activities you can move and leave the rest of the schedules as they are.
  4. Options for non-overwritable activity overlaps – if you drag and drop an activity over a non-overwritable activity you will see 3 options so you can pick whichever option is most suitable for your centre e.g. keep the break, overwrite the break or move it.
  5. Shrinkage – you can view the Staffing Graph within this Schedules screen, now with shrinkage factors taken into account so for future days you can see a more realistic overs/under staffing picture. This is something that you really should use if you’re looking at any future days, so it’s taken into account anything that’s not already on the schedule, such as on the day sickness or any other activities that you tend to put on, on the day.

Shift Bidding – 3 new items to streamline your bidding process

  1. View Ranking Criteria – if you want to quickly see what criteria was used for an existing bid process this is now displayed on the front Settings page
  2. Shift Patterns Sort method – the sort order will be the same for WFMers and Agents, they will be presented with the patterns in order of the start time for the first day of the week, and then after that start time for the second day then 3rd day etc.
  3. Pattern Types – this is a new option when setting up the bidding process, it’s a way of being able to put more agents on one set of patterns which will make the bidding process quicker and easier to set up. Please click on the help menu for further details, as always the instructions in the Help Center are really comprehensive.

Agents’ MyTime – Self Scheduling has more options!

You can now allow agents to add hours to their schedules, either adding hours to an existing shift or creating a schedule on a current non working day.

Set Up – in your Workflow control set page, the Self scheduling tab, you will see a new set of options under Add Hours banner, this is where you create the parameters for the system to auto approve the agents’ requests to add hours, this includes a rolling period of time they can add hours, rules for breaks and lunches to be included, and also staffing thresholds for when the extra hours are needed. Check out the Help Centre for detailed instructions.

MyTime – the agent can then go into their Schedules screen, click on the pencil icon where they would find the Self Scheduling options, they have a new button Add Hours.

As I always say with these new functions test it out on one team, see how your WFM processes and the Agent’s themselves take on the new process, then when ready roll it out to everyone.

I hope there’s something in there you’re looking forward to using this month!

These are my highlights of the main new features released in and around March 2022, click on the red light bulb on any webpage to check out the release notes for all the details of all the changes.

Take care and I’ll see you next month.


Picture of Michael Nelson

Michael Nelson


QPC are your Contact Centre experts delivering bespoke solutions and best in breed technology to ensure your success

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