New Calabrio WFM (formerly Teleopti) – What’s new in September 22?

We have something for everyone this month! Forecasters, Schedulers and Database Adminers will all benefit from these time saving new features.

Web People

From this screen we can now update the Optional columns, simply use the search fields to find your person, click on the blue Display button, then the pencil button next to Optional columns, make the changes and Save. If you don’t use these I encourage you to do so! They can be used to store information about your people you might have on a separate list (such as who is a first aider, who can do overtime at the weekend) and also used as filters to open screens and reports (such as senior agents who can cover TM duties).

Web Forecasts

There have been many updates to this feature in the last year to make it a great alternative to the Windows Open Forecast screen. This month sees more new features including making editing forecasts easier and more flexible, with easy to view graphical displays and easy to create and assign named campaigns to one or more skills.

Again I encourage you to use this feature, as well as being easier to use, all actions taken here are stored in the General Audit Trail.

Go to Web Forecasts screen and click on the ‘?’ to start your new quicker forecasting processes today!

Web Schedules

We can now do shift swaps on this page, simply select the 2 agents and in the action drop down box you will find the option to ‘Swap shifts’.

Any Normal activities, breaks and lunches will move with the swap. Personal activities, Meetings and Absences will stay with the original agent, so will either be still on the schedule (if the new swapped schedule covers the same time as the personal activity, meeting , adbsence) or does not show on the schedule but stays as a layer and is visible in Windows Schedules Editor window.

Warning messages will show against the agents name if after the swap they have too many hours or too little nightly rest time

These are my favourite new items this month, as always please check out the full release notes by clicking on your red light bulb on any web screen and follow the links to ‘Release updates’

Take care for now and see you next month

Picture of Michael Nelson

Michael Nelson


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