New Calabrio WFM (formerly Teleopti) – What’s new in Aug 22?

There are lots of new features this month, especially for those of you who update users on your system and schedulers

There are lots of new features this month, especially for those of you who update users on your system and schedulers. I have summarised the main new features here, as always check out the release notes for full details.

There are 4 new features in your Web People screen to make adding and maintaining user info easier. As I regularly say using the Web People screen has great benefits as everything that is done here will be audited and shown in the General Audit Trail. Also permissions can be tailored so you can give certain access to users outside of the WFM team.

1. When importing multiple new starters via the import file you can now include their time zone (see Nov and Dec 2020 blogs for instructions on the import process)
2. When adding individual new starters you can now set the roles, workflow control set, work week start and time zone in the Add new employee page (button on top right corner)
3. You will be able to see the users time zone in a new custom column (go to Custom view tab then click on Cog icon)
4. You can now see users’ login information and assigned roles in the Display page

Web Meetings has a great new feature which has been highly requested. When planning a meeting, you can now filter participants by one or several skills in combination with team and individual participants. This will make it even quicker to pick the right people for your meetings and training sessions.

In the Web Schedules screen see the Filter button on the top right, there is a new option to filter your schedules by any combination of absences, making it quick and easy to see for example who is off today and why, or how many on holiday today, how many off sick etc.

I hope you find these new features useful!

See you next month

Picture of Michael Nelson

Michael Nelson


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