Reducing Contact Centre Attrition: 10 Effective Tips
High agent attrition in contact centres is a significant problem, both in terms of cost, operational performance and reduced customer satisfaction ratings
High agent attrition in contact centres is a significant problem, both in terms of cost, operational performance and reduced customer satisfaction ratings
Integrate contact centres into overall customer experience strategy. Focus on availability, knowledge, expertise, communication, and technology.
How to streamline the process of migrating to a cloud contact centre platform by connecting seamlessly with all systems
Tracxion is a powerful tool that can help contact centres run more efficiently and effectively
Align automation and AI with your overall business strategy for a more efficient and effective contact strategy that drives higher levels of customer experience and retention
We have something for everyone this month! Forecasters, Schedulers and Database Adminers will all benefit from these time saving new features.
Do you abide by DST and change your clocks in the night twice a year?!
There are lots of new features this month, especially for those of you who update users on your system and schedulers
Research indicates that higher customer satisfaction results when callers are able to resolve their issues on their first call to customer service.
QPC delivers innovative services and solutions that make Contact Centres a whole lot better. We work with you to solve problems so you can deliver your customer service goals!
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